We were encountered by a brand that has been in Colorado for a couple years now but is making waves all over the US. GotVape.com is the place to find all your vaporizer needs.....portable, at home, hard cases, grinders, pens, and lots of medicine. Founded in California, you can now find them all over the states as the premiere Vape brand & specialists. We were fortunate enough to be dropped an "ATMOS Pen" to conduct a product test with some patients. It scored higher than any product we have tested so far.
4 Patients to fill and "use" the ATMOS
1 push of the button (5 seconds of heat)
1 Inhale to their desired amount
Effects after 5 minutes, 15 minutes, & 30 minutes
With the ease of use, being re-chargeable, it holds the "dabs" for you, and it's a vaporizer that you carry in your pocket. Our patients flipped after they looked at it like a UFO. First, they all looked at it like a thermometer. They they hit the button and started to enjoy the sweet easy vape of the ATMOS. All of them were amazed at "how fast" and "how much" was accomplished in just one hit of the button. It is something that all patients need for their travels, weekend, or next party. The ATMOS is the future...and it's the healthiest way to medicate. It's easy to clean, very light, and charges on your computer or any USB port charger (a HUGE plus in today's world of travel and 'on the go' living).
All 4 patients reported feeling "better than when we started" after the test. 3 patients said they were "fine for a while" after 1 inhale. All 4 patients reported effects after 5 minutes. 2 patients reported effects after 1 minute. All 4 patients asked where to get an ATMOS. They all reported that it worked and felt they were "medicating with ease." "It tastes better & is better for me" was stated by 3 patients as well....It scored 9/10 with all patients.
Make sure you contact us for any products you wish to have tested or reviewed:
Email thegatsby@thegrimeygatsby.com
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