Monday, April 23, 2012

High Times Cannabis Cup 2012 - Denver aka "Dabville"

The High Times Cannabis Cup......we know what you are thinking: a forest of Cheech & Chong's bumping into each other like monkeys with is nothing like that at all. Believe us...
We arrived at the Cup on Saturday with the Steephill Lab (Addison & Jessica Demours) and linked up with our crew from RAW - (Tarren & Kevin). Already this story is starting to shape up for a great day of lost phones, red glazed eyes, and the movement which is the main focus. 

We entered the vendor area and started to cover the glass, clothing, detox, storage, extraction, integration, books, hats, and anything else that you can think of.....then we bumped into Danny Danko (High Times writer) for a bit. Great time discussing the lectures of the weekend, the new technology in the industry, and also the future of his work and passion - The plant & writing about it for High Times. Great guy and truly in tune with his passion. Also we stopped and chatted with Rick Cusak (High Times Editor) & Keith Stroup (Founder of NORML) for a bit about the convention. "When I go to California, I know what I'm getting kids here in Denver, really know how to kick up the pace. I just hear the watch in my head going...tick, tick, tick. Another Cup is about to be finished and it is always a great site to see." - Rick

Steephill Lab is the place to know for evaluation of cannabis. They test, analyze, and instruct on how to become better at your growing skill. They are partnered up with the best shops in San Fran, LA, Denver, Boulder, and Sacremento. Also they are the best stop to make sure you are using the correct recipe, products, and tools to increase your CBD, THC, and strain specific needs in today's world of high end growing systems. Addison and I spoke for a while about the new "dablife" that has taken over the realm of weed: "It's all about micro concentrates now-a-days. If you want it to be potent, effective, and beneficial for the patients direct needs...then you need concentrates. It's about the internal system of the body and how it moves the CBD's to the area needed. Today, we can use the medicine the best way possible with the technology of micro concentrates. And testing it always helps with knowing about the movement. We see it all from Colorado to California. It's what we do. We keep making sure the patients are getting the best possible medicine. I love it day in and day out."

GG Pics from the Cup

Jessica, Addi's wife, showed us around the entire venue from food, to Hitman glass, to lectures, and the edibles......ohhhhh the edibles. Jessica also gave us the pleasure of meeting Nico Escondido, Nelson, and some more of the OG underground world. If you are a grower, waxitier, rigman, Oil of Olay (a women that dabs), or just a patient reading High Times...this event is something that will enlighten you to the people that are "with you" in the fight. The Cannabis Movement is something that is nationwide. From NYC to LA, there are patients that are trying to lead a more healthy, productive, and free lifestyle. It was beautiful to see people of all ages and races sitting around the event speaking, smoking, writing, and connecting.

We then took off with Kyle & Tarren to see the RAW side of things....pun intended. The lectures with Nico & Danny were great. The rooms were filled with people taking notes, others talking about the topic, and it was a great venue (The EXDO). People streamed around the smoke filled rooms like conveyor belts in a factory. As the day continued the crowds changed and the movement continued to swirl like a tornado. We cruised through the lounge area filled with Arcade games, pool tables, seats, and food. This event is all inclusive!! We were escorted to the "Medicine Tent" to see the MC (Medical Center), Edibles, and other assorted Cannabis industry. Steephill & Pink House had a great location for us to set up for our filming. The people flocked from booth to booth taking in the information and more. There was a featured "judging area" where you can test the medicine and vote for your champion.

Here's some of the things we found at the Cup:

The High Pad

(clothing line)

(grow lights)

(Extract System)

(Glass of Gangsta's)

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