Monday, June 18, 2012

The Summer of Gatsby - Note from the Editor

This summer we decided to make some "moves." From Aspen to Denver, from digital media to "mainstream avenues", from small town to big city, from site 2.0 to site 3.0, from mountain to concrete, from site to site/store/network, and still building daily from the audience to our clients to our own side projects. I want to thank all of you for that. Every day we crunch date, watch trends, spot new features, read messages/comments/twits/tags/pics, and keep you at the front of our work. Daily, we make sure it's something that you WANT or NEED to see. And right now, we have one of the highest "returns on involvement" in the "digital information arena." We are anthropologists of the underground, we are the geeks that study cool, hip, and smart every hour of the day (sun up to moon set - we be balling).

"We, Grimey Gatsby, captivate our dedicated audience with radically current and exhaustingly comprehensive music, fashion, and trending news.  Our network of partners, followers, and family members continually enriches society's cohesiveness." 

We have large non-profit clients on the radar for some very enriching events for society and our audience. We have great new concerts coming from the Marley Family and some other names that are 100% "what's next" in the movement of live sound. We have radio shows coming in Denver and will be featuring our cutting edge information, music, fashion, and events on the INTERNET for EVERYONE TO SEE when you are spending those morning hours "combing" your sources for the news, noise, and neat of today. It's impressive to me just be able to write these things.

Our new website will feature our city pages, as always, but will have a client "social network" that is private for interaction, consulting, and connectivity before "revealing" information to the audience. Our web store is beefing up, finding bugs, and loading digital shelves with products, fashion, music, art, and private collections from all over the world. It is amazing to see these brands/clients/artists come together. Some are even talking "Grimey Gatsby Exclusive" so the audience gets to largest benefit. Music remix contests, concerts, coverage, and interviews are piling up for the summer and fall - so our calendar is looking stacked. So many things with this new website that will take a while to build and launch for the next 3 months. It's the best thing I've done to pair with this company for the future. I learn new aspects of business daily with their staff & information. I feel like I have an army of tech warriors to destroy anything I try to set in their way. That paired with our global staff makes it a great feeling to sleep for the 4-6 hours that I get. 

Our clients are experiencing something that is completely unique, thoroughly researched, and street worthy for their brands, marketing, street info, and future development in today's world of "instabiz". That brings me to the next issue...."Instabiz" this term is used in the industry to describe the population (your audience) that is, "hungry for information and savvy on where, how, and why to use it." We live in this world; from the mornings at 7am in New York to discover the current news to 9pm in California  to hear the Hollyweird story that is going to blow up. We are current, steeped in society's nuances, and continually working on finding "what you need" to become "what you want" in your mission, goals, and brand standard. 

It's simple: 
(old business networking + new business media = your success & longevity) = GG

Overall, we inform the public. That is our mission. To find, expose, and enhance the brands, lifestyles, and music of tomorrow's entertainment. We also make it a point to include those that are clients, content contributors, and GGFam (#GGFam).  Our network of brands and clients enrich what we do and we enhance their bottom line, audience, programming, and branding in doing so. It's win/win to the fullest. It's business but it's connectivity, information, and embrace of your goals and our mission statement. 

We have already grown past our goal for this summer. We have a larger staff, interns, mainstream media, web site, and web store coming.......we also have a great audience that knows we listen, we care, and we are here for anything you need. So before the 1st year hits and we keep serving up the grime....THANK YOU - We are going to keep that growth but also fine tune what we have. It's how you will be most satisfied, that I do know.

It means more than you know to be able to find dogs a new homes, introduce people I've never met in places that I have never been, to watch your brand grow and help to guide it, to hear your song before you send it out, to write the recommendation for your booking, to be involved with your event, to find you a clothing sponsor, to get your company profitable, and for anything I can't remember to write in this piece. Thank will continue, it will grow, it will be ready when you are.

Enjoy the summer.
Get out to a new concert, a fashion show, a skate park opening, work harder on getting that gig you want, stop focusing on the "whys" and start making the "hell yeahs" happen. Toss up a pic, send us an email, drop us a line about what you know encompasses GG - We will listen, I promise.

Spread the Grime & Keep it Gatsby,
For all your needs

Don't forget -----> "Hug A Hater"

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